The versatile filmmaker-producer was in highlights for his endeavoring attempts of lifting the bars for his son Prashanth's career. While 'Ponnar Shankar' failed to live up to the expectations, Thyagarajan is sure as shooting stars for son Prashanth with their upcoming film 'Mambattiyan'.
Fine! Let's get straight with our point here. Thyagarajan was keeping himself away from distribution of films over the years. Now he is all set to make his comeback with a big ticket.
Yup! The actor-director turned producer will release Shah Rukh Khan's Diwali release 'Ra. One' all throughout Kerala.
Fine! Let's get straight with our point here. Thyagarajan was keeping himself away from distribution of films over the years. Now he is all set to make his comeback with a big ticket.
Yup! The actor-director turned producer will release Shah Rukh Khan's Diwali release 'Ra. One' all throughout Kerala.
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